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  • useLazyLoadQueryWithRefresh<TQuery, TDescriptor, TChainId>(builder: TQuery, options?: ChainHookOptions<TChainId>): [data: TQuery extends false ? any : FalsyGuard<ReturnType<Exclude<TQuery, false>>, any, any, false>, refresh: (...args: []) => void]

  • Hook for querying data from chain, returning the response & a refresher function.

    Type parameters

    • TQuery: false | (builder: Query<[], TDescriptor>) => any
    • TDescriptor: any
    • TChainId: ChainId


    • builder: TQuery

      The function to create the query

    • optionaloptions: ChainHookOptions<TChainId>

      Additional options

    Returns [data: TQuery extends false ? any : FalsyGuard<ReturnType<Exclude<TQuery, false>>, any, any, false>, refresh: (...args: []) => void]

    The data response & a function to refresh it