Multichain setup can be done by adding extra chain configurations, after having followed this guide here.
Download & sync metadata
Download the latest metadata from all chains you want to connect to and generate the types.
npx papi add dot -n polkadot
npx papi add ksm -n ksmcc3
npx papi add wnd -n westend2
npx papi
Add type information
import type { config } from "./config.js";
declare module "@reactive-dot/core" {
export interface Register {
config: typeof config;
Configure chains
import type { dot, ksm, wnd } from "@polkadot-api/descriptors";
import { defineConfig } from "@reactive-dot/core";
export const config = defineConfig({
chains: {
polkadot: {
descriptor: dot,
// ...
kusama: {
descriptor: ksm,
// ...
westend: {
descriptor: wnd,
// ...
Chain selection
Chain selection can be done either at the Context or Hook level.
One active chain at a time.
// ...
import type { ChainId } from "@reactive-dot/core";
import type { ChainProvider } from "@reactive-dot/react";
function App() {
const [currentChainId, setCurrentChainId] = useState<ChainId>("polkadot");
return (
<ChainProvider chainId={currentChainId}>
<MyDApp />
Multiple active chains at the same time.
// ...
import type { ChainProvider } from "@reactive-dot/react";
function App() {
return (
<ChainProvider chainId="polkadot">
<MyDApp />
<ChainProvider chainId="kusama">
<MyDApp />
<ChainProvider chainId="westend">
<MyDApp />
All hooks provide an option to specify which chain to target.
import { useBlock } from "@reactive-dot/react";
function Component() {
const polkadotBlock = useBlock({ chainId: "polkadot" });
const kusamaBlock = useBlock({ chainId: "kusama" });
const westendBlock = useBlock({ chainId: "westend" });
Multi-chain query
You can query multiple chains concurrently by passing an array of query options to the useLazyLoadQuery
hook. This prevents suspense waterfalls and improves performance.
import { useLazyLoadQuery } from "@reactive-dot/react";
function Component() {
const [totalNominationPoolsValue, assets] = useLazyLoadQuery([
chainId: "polkadot",
query: (builder) =>
builder.readStorage("NominationPools", "TotalValueLocked", []),
chainId: "polkadot_asset_hub",
query: (builder) => builder.readStorageEntries("Assets", "Asset", []),
Chain narrowing
By default, ReactiveDOT merges type definitions from all the chains in the config. For instance, if your DApp is set up to work with Polkadot, Kusama, and Westend, the following code will fail because the Bounties pallet is available only on Polkadot and Kusama, not on Westend:
function Component() {
// Since the `Bounties` pallet doesn't exist on Westend, this will:
// 1. Trigger a TypeScript error
// 2. Cause a runtime error if Westend is selected
const bountyCount = useLazyLoadQuery((builder) =>
builder.readStorage("Bounties", "BountyCount", []),
// ...
To resolve this, you can explicitly specify the chain to query, which will override the chain ID provided by context:
function Component() {
const bountyCount = useLazyLoadQuery(
(builder) => builder.readStorage("Bounties", "BountyCount", []),
{ chainId: "polkadot" },
// ...
Alternatively, if you want to keep using the chain ID provided by context, you can use the following pattern:
function useBountiesChainId() {
const chainId = useChainId();
switch (chainId) {
case "polkadot":
case "kusama":
return chainId;
throw new Error("This chain does not support bounties", {
cause: chainId,
function BountiesPalletRequiredComponent() {
const bountyCount = useLazyLoadQuery(
(builder) => builder.readStorage("Bounties", "BountyCount", []),
// This will:
// 1. Throw an error if the chain ID does not support bounties
// 2. Restrict the possible chain types for better intellisense
chainId: useBountiesChainId(),
// ...
function App() {
// ...
// Use only compatible chain IDs, otherwise an error will be thrown
const bountiesEnabledChainIds = ["polkadot", "kusama"] satisfies ChainId[];
return (
{ => (
<ChainProvider key={chainId} chainId={chainId}>
<BountiesPalletRequiredComponent />
{/* ... */}
Finally, if your application primarily uses a few chains but interacts with many other supporting chains, you can use the targetChains
import { defineConfig } from "@reactive-dot/core";
const config = defineConfig({
chains: {
polkadot: {
// ...
polkadot_asset_hub: {
// ...
polkadot_people: {
// ...
polkadot_collectives: {
// ...
polkadot_bridge_hub: {
// ...
// This will restrict the default chain types used by hooks
// to just Polkadot when no explicit `chainId` is provided
targetChains: ["polkadot"],
// ...