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The useQuery composable allow you to read any data from chain, while maintaining updates, concurrency, caching & deduplication behind the scene for you.

Async handling

useQuery utilize Vue's Suspense API for data fetching & error handling.

<script setup lang="ts">
const { data: activeEra } = await useQuery((builder) =>
builder.readStorage("Staking", "ActiveEra", []),

<div>Active era: {{ activeEra.toLocaleString() }}</div>
<script setup lang="ts">
import AsyncComponent from "./async-component.vue";
import { onErrorCaptured } from "vue";

onErrorCaptured((error) => console.log(error));

<AsyncComponent />
<template #fallback>Loading...</template>

Fetching multiple data

Fetching multiple data can be done by chaining queries together, useQuery (with TypeScript) will automatically infer that you want to fetch multiple data concurrently & will return an array of data instead.

<script setup lang="ts">
import { useQuery } from "@reactive-dot/vue";
import { computed } from "vue";

const { data } = await useQuery((builder) =>
.getConstant("Babe", "ExpectedBlockTime")
.getConstant("Babe", "EpochDuration")
.readStorage("Treasury", "ProposalCount", []),

const expectedBlockTime = computed(() => data.value[0]);
const epochDuration = computed(() => data.value[1]);
const proposalCount = computed(() => data.value[2]);

Multiple queries of the same type can also be fetched using callApis & readStorages.

<script setup lang="ts">
import { useQuery } from "@reactive-dot/vue";

const { data } = await useQuery((builder) =>
.callApis("NominationPoolsApi", "pending_rewards", [
.readStorages("NominationPools", "Metadata", [

Conditional query

Use a falsy value (undefined, null or false) to conditionally fetch data. If the query builder returns a falsy value, ReactiveDOT will not execute the query.

<script setup lang="ts">
import { useQuery } from "@reactive-dot/vue";

const { status } = await useQuery((builder) =>
address.value === undefined
? undefined
: builder.callApi("NominationPoolsApi", "pending_rewards", [address.value]),

// Status will be "idle" if the query hasn't been executed
if (status === "idle") {
console.log("The query is in idle state");

Refreshing queries

Certain query, like runtime API calls doesn't create any subscriptions. In order to get the latest data, they must be manually refreshed.

<script setup lang="ts">
import { useQuery } from "@reactive-dot/vue";

const {
data: pendingRewards,
} = await useQuery((builder) =>
builder.callApi("NominationPoolsApi", "pending_rewards", [ACCOUNT_ADDRESS]),

<p>{{ pendingRewards.toLocaleString() }}</p>
<button @click="refresh()" :disabled="status === 'pending'">Refresh</button>

Retry failed query

Error from queries can be reset using ErrorBoundary & useQueryErrorResetter composable.

<script setup lang="ts">
import { useQueryErrorResetter } from "@reactive-dot/vue";
import { onErrorCaptured, ref } from "vue";

const hasError = ref(false);

const { execute: resetError } = useQueryErrorResetter();

onErrorCaptured(() => (hasError.value = true));

<article v-if="hasError">
<strong>Oops, something went wrong!</strong>
hasError = false;
<Suspense v-else>
<MyDApp />
<template #fallback>Loading...</template>