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This walks you through the process of creating a simple ReactiveDOT application.


This project is under active development, and the API may change at any time.


First add ReactiveDOT, along with required packages as dependencies to your Vue project.

npm install @reactive-dot/vue polkadot-api

Download & sync metadata​

Next, download the latest metadata from the chain you want to connect to and generate the types.

# `papi add` is the command
# `dot` is the name we're giving to this chain (can be any JS variable name)
# `-n polkadot` specifies to download the metadata from the well-known chain polkadot
npx papi add dot -n polkadot
# Wait for the latest metadata to download, then generate the types:
npx papi

For more information on metadata syncing and type generation, please refer to this documentation provided by Polkadot-API.

Create config​

// `dot` is the name we gave to `npx papi add`
import { dot } from "@polkadot-api/descriptors";
import { defineConfig } from "@reactive-dot/core";
import { createLightClientProvider } from "@reactive-dot/core/providers/light-client.js";
import { InjectedWalletProvider } from "@reactive-dot/core/wallets.js";

const lightClientProvider = createLightClientProvider();

export const config = defineConfig({
chains: {
// "polkadot" here can be any unique string value
polkadot: {
descriptor: dot,
provider: lightClientProvider.addRelayChain({ id: "polkadot" }),
wallets: [new InjectedWalletProvider()],

Add type information​

The type declarations extension here will be used to provide you with the right type definitions when using composables.

import type { config } from "./config.js";

declare module "@reactive-dot/core" {
export interface Register {
config: typeof config;

Install the plugin​

import App from "./app.vue";
import { config } from "./config.js";
import { ReactiveDotPlugin } from "@reactive-dot/vue";
import { createApp } from "vue";

createApp(App).use(ReactiveDotPlugin, config).mount("#root");

Provide the target chain ID​

<script setup lang="ts">
import MyComponent from "./my-component.vue";
import { provideChain } from "@reactive-dot/vue";


<!-- Make sure there is at least one Suspense boundary wrapping the app -->
<Suspense><!-- ... --></Suspense>

Use ReactiveDOT​

<script setup lang="ts">
import { useQuery, useAccounts } from "@reactive-dot/vue";

const { data: accounts } = await useAccounts();
const { data: queryResult } = await useQuery((builder) =>"Timestamp", "Now").storage("Balances", "TotalIssuance"),

<li v-for="account in accounts" :key="account.address">
<div>Address: {{ account.address }}</div>
<div v-if=" !== undefined">Name: {{ }}</div>
Latest block timestamp:
{{ new Date(Number(queryResult[0])).toLocaleString() }}
<div>Total issuance: {{ queryResult[1].toString() }}</div>